The Student Code of Conduct

Before you can move on from this point you must agree to the Student Code of Conduct. Please read the statement and respond to the statement below.

The Student Code of Conduct


Extension Policy on Assignments

We strongly encourage students to plan their schedules such that they can devote 2-3 hours a week to complete their course work within provided timelines. However, to accommodate delays due to unforeseen circumstances, participants can notify their facilitator if they require the option to submit assignments up to a maximum of 7 days past the assignment due date and consider the assignment for grading.

In the event a participant is unable to meet the 7 day extension, the assignment will be marked incomplete and not scored. Extensions are not provided post course completion date.


Academic Integrity

Each student is accountable for their work being submitted and must not submit the work of others as their own work or engage in any activity that will improve or harm the grades of others.

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonestly. For cases relating to plagiarism, students whose assignments are identified as being plagiarised will be marked with a '0' for the assignment and will be notified of the same through their facilitator. Examples of plagiarism include: